The tournament is comprised of three events. Reyes was second in bank pool, top 25 in one pocket and first in 9-ball. He secured the title several rounds before the end of the last event.
Here are the final results, with field sizes:
Bank pool (352): Winner: John Brumback (USA), $10,000; Runner-up: Efren Reyes (Philippines), $5,000
One pocket (289): Winner: Scott Frost (USA), $12,000; Runner-up: Sylver Ochoa (USA), $6,000
9-ball: (257) Winner: Efren Reyes (Philippines), $16,000; Runner-up: Rodney Morris (USA), $8,000
All-around title (Master of the Table):
- Reyes, $20,000
- Brumback, $3,000
- Alex Pagulayan (Philippines), $2,000
Brumback was the defending over-all champion. See Past Champions at the official site for a list of all previous winners.
During the week there were several more events being staged. For instance, Charlie Williams (USA) won the Straight Pool Challenge and Reyes won the Fatboy 10-Ball Challenge for $6,500.
The tournament ran from January 22-30 at the Horseshoe Casino and Hotel, Elizabeth, Indiana, USA. It was the 12th edition of the event.
See also:
- Derby City Classic (official site)
- Reyes Redeems Himself at DCC 9-Ball (AzBilliards)
- Efren Takes 5th DCC Master of the Table (Billiards Digest)
- Reyes Captures Fifth Derby City Classic All Around Title (Inside Pool Magazine)
- And we have a winner!!! (The Tip Jar)
- Derby City Classic (The Pool Pack)
- Derby City Classic is different somehow (Images - Billiard Coach Mike Feldhammer)
- YouTube videos for Derby City Classic 2010
- DCC 2010 Tournament Photos (onepocket)
- Accu-Stats On Location (Live Pay Per View)
- The Action Report (Video coverage from the DCC Action Room)
- Derby City Classic (AzBilliards Forums)
- Horseshoe racks up 3-year Classic sponsorship (The Corydon Democrat)
- Derby City Classic (Wikipedia)
- Efren Reyes (Wikipedia)
Related posts:
- Reyes is Master of the Table in Derby (2007 Derby City Classic)
- Bustamante wins all-around title in Derby City Classic (2008 Derby City Classic)
- John Brumback is Master of the Table in 2009 Derby City Classic (2009 Derby City Classic)